Tuesday 1 February 2011

New Blog Feature

That's right! I am planning two new features sections in my blog. One will focus on fellow artisans- you can make anything talk about anything, I want to feature you! The other, equally as exciting, will feature things that I have seen. Seen you say? How horribly vague! Not so! Being a frequenter of numerous gallery previews and exhibitions I thought it might be nice to every-so-often reflect upon these. Just as a break from jewellery talk.
If you'd like to be featured then please get in touch! No exclusions, photographers, crafters, printmaker, contemporary artist, film makers, butter churners, whoever you are please give me a shout! 


  1. Sounds like a great idea - I'd love to be featured some time :) x

  2. Fantastic! I'll put somethings together and be in touch! x
